The spirit of God moved the Foreign Mission of the Southern Baptist Convention, USA to send missionaries to Nigeria to preach the Gospel of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
In 1850, Rev Thomas J. Bowen was sent to Nigeria, thus, the beginning of Baptist work in Nigeria. In1907 Dr. George Green began the First Medical work, from that small beginning the Baptist Medical work in Nigeria grows to what it is today.
In order to strengthen Medical work in Nigeria, the same mission established Baptist School of Nursing at Ogbomoso on the 28th September,1928. The first set of trained nurses graduated in 1931. The School remained in Ogbomoso until 1959 when it was moved to Eku in the Midwest (Now Delta State). Mrs L. Williams was for so many years, the Principal of the first School of Nursing in Ogbomoso.
Creation of State in Nigeria paved way for establishment of Baptist School of Nursing now School of Nursing, Bowen University Teaching Hospital in Ogbomoso, the second time in the history of Baptist Medical work in Nigeria. The idea to have new School of Nursing in Ogbomoso was conceived around late 1978. Two factors were responsible:
1. Eku Baptist School of Nursing had limited vacancies for students from other states.
2. Baptist Hospital Shaki had a plan for a School of Midwifery
These pieces of information stirred up the hospital to begin somewhere. There were various suggestions as to how to get fund Rev. D. Asaju suggested that if the Women's Missionary Union and the Baptist Association were informed, there might be some financial help. The Medical Board of the Nigerian Baptist Convention gave approval for more work on the modality of establishing the School. Eventually, the following people: Dr John Tarpley, Chief R. B. Koleoso, Late Miss Valda Long, Mr A. Adeola, Dr. Mrs Gilliland, Dr. W. Gaventa, Mrs. G. Ladeji and Chief D. O. Akande were appointed as members of Steering Committee.
On the 12th June 1979, Baptist Association of Nigeria was informed of the plan to have a school. On the 17th June 1979, a list of requirements needed for establishing a school was received from the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria.
On the 9th October 1979, it was agreed that the Oyo State Government be informed and involved because of the association between Voluntary Agency Institutions and the Government of Oyo State. The same month, Dr. Tarpley and Chief R. B Koleoso paid a visit to Eku for more delibrations.
On March 11,1980 the Executive Committee of the Nigerian Baptist Convention had the backing of the Medical board of the Nigerian Baptist Convention to open Baptist School of Nursing at Baptist Medical Centre, Ogbomoso.
On the 9th September 1980, a progress report on the proposed Baptist School of Nursing was given. The highlight of the report was the appointment of a Principal for the School in the person of Mr T. A. Ajadi. The appointment took effect from 1st October 1980. Mr Patrick Stout a well qualified Architect, from the USA received all the plans and worked out the master plan to be used at no cost.
Pa Chief Rev. Ige, the Osi of Soun of Ogbomoso, took the matter if the School to all Baptist people in Ogbomoso and its environs. As a result of his interest in the venture, Ogbomoso and District Baptist Association decided to take the lead. All along, the community interest was ascertained through His Royal Highness Oba Jimoh Oladunni Oyewumi Ajagungbade III
The then Chief Administrator, Chief D. O Akande and Mr T. A. Ajadi, the School Principal used to give periodic progress reports to His Royal Highness because Kabiyesi mobilized the community to give fullest support to the proposal.
The Baptist Association took the lead and were responsible for the new extension of three classrooms. Some Non-Baptist Christian Churches in Ogbomoso also donated funds for the work. On the 6th November,1980, foundation of the Administrative Block and classrooms block were laid by His Royal Highness - The Soun of Ogbomoso Land, Oba Oyewumi, Ajagungbade III. Baptist Associations also bought beautiful furniture for the offices, two classrooms and the demonstration room.
Between October, 1980 and October 1981, the Chief Administrator, Chief D. O. Akande, then the Director of Nursing Services, Chief R. B. Koleoso and the Principal - Mr. T. A. Ajadi, did a lot of running around to the Nursing and Midwifery Council, Lagos and the Ministry of Health, Ibadan for consolidation of the proposal.
a. Through the help of Kabiyesi - the Ogbomoso Community bought the School Bus in September, 1981 before the School Opened on October 2, 1981.
b. The Ogbomoso Parapo in Kwara built the cafeteria though not completed in 1981.
c. The Ogbomoso Action Union based in Ibadan (O.A.U) built the Modern Library for the School.
d. The Ogbomoso Development League (O.D.L) in Ile Ife was officially opened on the 26th October, 1985 and denoted many textbooks.
e. The Ogbomoso in USA donated textbook, teaching aids, materials for Nursing Practice.
f. When there was a dire need for a generator (PLANT) for the School. The Principal appealed to the Baptist Churches Association through Rev. D. A. Asaju and the plant was bought for the School, installed and officially commissioned by the then General Secretary of the Nigerian Baptist Convention, Dr. S. T. Ola Akande.
Only 27 students started this school: 15 boys and 12 girls. The Principal and a Ghanian Tutor Mr Adu-Poprah started lectures with the students later, Mr. J. O. Okediran joined as a Youth Corp. Population of students trained since inception of the schools is about 1700 males and females, they are all practicing standard nursing all over the world.
The current nomenclature of the School which is School of Nursing Bowen University Teaching Hospital Ogbomoso came into reality in the year 2011 as a result of upgrading the formal Baptist Medical Centre to a Teaching Hospital in which the School of Nursing is also incorporated.